© 2024 Daniel H Erskine
© 2024 Daniel H Erskine
subsequent experience
© 2024 Daniel H Erskine
Informing through advocacy & explanation
© 2024 Daniel H Erskine
Experience Summary
Daniel H. Erskine, a New York and Connecticut admitted attorney and
solicitor of England and Wales, represents U.S. individuals, companies,
joint ventures, foreign businesses, and foreign nationals on complex
legal matters under U.S. and U.K. law.
Prior to entering private
practice, Mr. Erskine served as a shareholder of a general construction company providing counsel on relocation of large-scale production facilities (factories) from either U.S.
or foreign locations. Mr. Erskine also completed a judicial clerkship at
the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in Washington, DC.
now operates a solo practice focused on business
transactions, advising on U.S. and English law, representing foreign and
domestic small and medium sized companies (SME), specialty
subcontractors, high technology enterprises, and senior executives.
transactional side of Mr. Erskine's practice involves drafting complex corporate contracts, purchase agreements, as well as composing bespoke
cloud (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, DaaS, DPaaS, BaaS, EULA, ASP, maintenance,
support, reseller, distribution), traditional software licenses,
storage, services, data protection/security, hosting, consulting,
back-up/recovery, and marketing agreements under English and U.S. law for
foreign and domestic SMEs manufacturing bespoke software.
On the
advocacy side of his practice, he represents foreign and domestic
parties in defense and prosecution of their civil claims in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceedings in New York and
Connecticut. Mr.
Erskine previously served as an appointed appellate advocate in
Connecticut to prosecute appeals about abused and neglected children.
Additionally, Mr. Erskine is the author of seven published law review
articles (three as the lead article) on diverse areas relating to
international legal topics, including WTO issues related to the European
Community Customs Code, foreign legal procedural devices, and
comparative constitutional analysis of fundamental rights.
© 2024 Daniel H Erskine
legal & undergrad
The George Washington University Law School, LL.M. in International & Comparative Law, 2006
Visiting Graduate Law Student, Georgetown University Law Center
International Human Rights Studies, Oxford University
Suffolk University Law School
J.D., 2003
Content Editor, Journal of High Technology Law
Harold B. Goodwin, Jr. Legal Advocacy Scholarship and Best Trial Advocate Award
Public International Law Studies, University of Notre Dame Law School
Boston College
B.A. in Political Science & Philosophy, 2000
Special Graduate Student Philosophy Department, Fall 2001
Granted Advanced Standing and Advanced Placement
Golden Key National Honor Society
PHI SIGMA TAU (philosophy honor society)
Athletic Director's Awards for Distinguished Academic Achievement as a Varsity Athlete (Men’s Foil Squad, Division I Fencing)
Visiting Graduate Law Student, Georgetown University Law Center
International Human Rights Studies, Oxford University
Suffolk University Law School
J.D., 2003
Content Editor, Journal of High Technology Law
Harold B. Goodwin, Jr. Legal Advocacy Scholarship and Best Trial Advocate Award
Public International Law Studies, University of Notre Dame Law School
Boston College
B.A. in Political Science & Philosophy, 2000
Special Graduate Student Philosophy Department, Fall 2001
Granted Advanced Standing and Advanced Placement
Golden Key National Honor Society
PHI SIGMA TAU (philosophy honor society)
Athletic Director's Awards for Distinguished Academic Achievement as a Varsity Athlete (Men’s Foil Squad, Division I Fencing)
Bar Membership
states , countries & associations
New York & Connecticut
Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales
SRA Number 482811
The Law Society of England & Wales
New State York Bar Association
(Co-Chair Communications and Publications Committee,
Committee on the New York State Constitution, Committee On Technology And The Legal Profession, Dispute Resolution Section, Mediation Committee, Co-Chair Subcommittee on Mediator Compensation and Selection 2020-2024)
Historical Society of the New York Courts
International Intellectual Property Law Association
Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales
SRA Number 482811
The Law Society of England & Wales
New State York Bar Association
(Co-Chair Communications and Publications Committee,
Committee on the New York State Constitution, Committee On Technology And The Legal Profession, Dispute Resolution Section, Mediation Committee, Co-Chair Subcommittee on Mediator Compensation and Selection 2020-2024)
Historical Society of the New York Courts
International Intellectual Property Law Association
Private Practice
New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, New York City, White Plains, NY, Stamford & New Haven, CT
Attorney and Solicitor, 2005-Present
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Washington, DC
Judicial Law Clerk, 2004-2005
Commercial Plant Relocators, Inc.
Anderson, SC
Shareholder, 2003-2008
New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, New York City, White Plains, NY, Stamford & New Haven, CT
Attorney and Solicitor, 2005-Present
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Washington, DC
Judicial Law Clerk, 2004-2005
Commercial Plant Relocators, Inc.
Anderson, SC
Shareholder, 2003-2008